Attention: Men Over 30 Frustrated With Your Testosterone Levels...
What Do The Foods In Your Fridge Say
About Your Manhood?
The Answer May Shock You...
Plus You'll Discover: 5 Foods In Your Kitchen Right Now
That Are Crippling Your Male Hormones Like Kryptonite...
Dear friend,
If you’d like to be a man who’s in control of his testosterone levels and takes charge of his body, energy, and libido… literally “dialing it up” or “toning it down” on command… this letter will show you how. First, word of warning...
This letter presents a no B.S., non-sexy way of boosting your t-levels...
So if you’re looking for the next cutting-edge workout, or latest over-hyped supplement, this is not for you. However…
What you’re about to discover has the power to gift you the testosterone levels of a man 5, even 10 years younger…
So you can enjoy more masculinity, drive, energy, and stamina, for longer, regardless of your age or current physical shape. How?
By eating food. Specifically, science-backed foods, herbs, spices, and tonics proven to increase your testosterone levels while giving you those extra “perks” every man should enjoy to the grave… like a trim body, better sex (and more of it), boundless energy, and contagious passion for life…
And Only Testosterone Can Give You
Those "Manly" Benefits. Because...
Dozens of University research papers conducted across the United States confirm testosterone is "directly correlated" with libido. Meaning, the lower your testosterone levels, the smaller your sex-drive
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, men with higher testosterone levels naturally burn more fat and build extra muscle WITHOUT having to exercise (1). Imagine that…
Becoming leaner and more buff simply by making your testosterone levels a priority.
Doesn’t seem fair, does it? Yet that’s not all…
Dozens of credible University research papers conducted across the United States confirm testosterone is “directly correlated” with libido (2-4). Meaning…
The lower your testosterone levels, the smaller your sex-drive… and the higher your t-levels, the greater your sex-drive. In fact, your libido is so sensitive to your testosterone levels, just a slight dip below “normal” and you’ll find it difficult to get aroused for sex. Even worse...
According to Jacob Raijfer M.D. and head of the University of California School of Medicine, you may develop some form of erectile dysfunction (5)...
Whether it be the embarrassing “every now and again” malfunctions... or the dreaded “dead as a doorknob” cases... we can both agree no man wants to go “into the act” with uncertainty… am I right?
Now, I could show you study after study of how low-t sinks your energy levels (6), leads to depression in 56% of men (7-8), and causes brain fog (8)...
Or the numerous reports showing men with higher testosterone levels make more money than guys with low-t (9). But...
Because you’re reading this page I’m willing to bet you’ve heard these problems before or have experienced one or all of them first hand, just like I have...
And now, you want a solution...
Men with high testosterone levels build more muscle and lose fat easier (1), make more money (9), and have more sex (2-4)
One that isn’t wrapped in a pill bottle. Sitting in the syringe of a long needle. Or “hooks you in” for the rest of your life like TRT. Because truth is…
Starting Testosterone Replacement Therapy Is Like Sending In The "Relief Pitcher" In A Baseball Game...
You still have “innings” left to play… but once you call in the substitute, your “old self” is benched for good. And you’ll have to “sit in the dugout” the rest of your life, hoping this “relief pitcher” finishes the game for you…
Because if for some reason you decide to get off testosterone replacement therapy...
Whether for financial reasons, side-effects, or you’re just sick and tired of needing pills or injections to feel like a real man…
Your male biology won’t survive. Because...
TRT Kills Your Body’s Natural Ability To Make Testosterone, Forcing You To Be Dependent On Synthetic Hormones For The Rest of Your Life…
Listen. Millions of men every year are folding their cards too quickly… and signing their name in blood to TRT well before they have too. It’s becoming “the norm”. After all...
Men's Average Testosterone Levels Are The
Lowest They've Been In Human History...
So Much In Fact... The CDC Has Lowered The “Average Standard” Of A Man’s Testosterone Levels In The United States and Europe (10)...
Basically, the feminization of men is well under way... and low testosterone is being accepted as a normal part of a man’s life.
When in fact, modern research shows it doesn’t have to be…
This according to Gary Wittert, MD and professor of medicine at the University of Adelaide in Australia, who says: “Declining testosterone levels are not an inevitable part of the aging process as many people think.” (11)
In fact, Wittert’s recent study published in the Endocrine Society shows the greatest blockage to a man’s testosterone-production is dietary… meaning, the foods you eat and how you eat them.
Now, before I show you the WORST food choices you may be making that are dropping your t-levels like a sack of potatoes…
Let me introduce myself…
Hi. I’m Joe LoGalbo. And I know first-hand what it’s like to suffer from low-testosterone...
In fact, this crippling disease blindsided me as a young 24 year-old newlywed…
Before then, I never batted an eye at the words “low testosterone”... I was young, athletic, ambitious and a “sexual titan” as my wife would say...
Yet That All Fell Apart In A Flash. Like The Drop
Of An Atom-Bomb On My Manhood...
I lost my energy and “drive”. Was taking more naps than usual. I was weaker in the gym and didn’t have the stamina I used to. And...
My sex life was burning up like an ant under a magnifying glass...
I went from “making love” nearly every day of the week... to “doing it” MAYBE a few times a month. I’ll admit…
My self confidence got so low… it was hard for me to even initiate sex anymore. You see...
My low-t eventually lead to erectile dysfunction.
And as a young newlywed, in the “honeymoon phase” of our marriage… the last thing she expected was my body to fizzle out early…
I mean, we had just committed to spending the rest of our lives together…
Was I really going to torture her with 50, 60, maybe 70 more years of not being able to “keep it up” in the heat of the moment?
And leave her unsatisfied time and time again?
I went from being “Reliable Joe”... to my wife asking, “is ‘he’ doing okay down there?” while in the act…
It Was Like Having A Ticking Time-Bomb Strapped To My Manhood. And At Any Moment It Would Detonate And I’d Be Left Laying Lifeless In Bed...
While my wife sits there, arms folded, looking away to fight back the tears of rejection she felt. It’s a hopeless, empty feeling. And...
If you’ve ever experienced ED you know the dent it leaves to your ego. And how insecurity rots your thoughts…
I’d get jealous of every guy she talked to. Simply because I felt I was becoming less of a man…
Weaker. Tired. Unreliable in bed. Now...
I know my wife would never cheat on me or get a divorce… to be honest, the only “glue” keeping us together was our Faith… but I couldn’t settle feeling this way for the rest of my life…
Every time my wife and would try to make love... I felt like I had a ticking time bomb strapped to my manhood...
And I didn’t want to sign my rights away to TRT or get any help from Viagra because I knew once I started… I would never stop. You see...
Big Pharma’s #1 Goal Is To Hook You Like A Fish, Reel You In, And Feed Off You For Life...
Which is why I decided to become a “lab rat” to my own experiments and increase my testosterone levels naturally…
Since then I’ve maintained healthy testosterone levels, have never had another embarrassing bout of ED, and most importantly… got my self-confidence back…
The extra “side-effects” like being stronger in the gym, putting on muscle easier, trimming my waistline and having loads of energy is just the “cherry on top”. Now...
In the process of researching every method known to man to naturally reverse my low-testosterone…
We’re talking hours upon hours of flipping through scientific journals, credited thesis papers, published experiments, and even speaking with men’s health experts...
I made a list of “Good vs. Bad” foods for your male hormones. And…
Was SHOCKED by what I uncovered… considering every “diet doctor” in the world would tell you the foods I’m about to reveal are healthy for you.
When in fact… they’re killing your testosterone production.
Which is why I’ve put together the list below of the absolute WORST foods for your testosterone levels. And...
What you can eat instead to skyrocket your master male hormone and enjoy more muscle, strength, sex, and vitality than you imagined possible, regardless of your age…
5 WORST Testosterone Killing
Foods In Your Kitchen...
WARNING: This Science-Backed Information Is Very Controversial And Will NOT Be Heard From "Diet Docs," "Bro-Scientists," or Big Pharma...
I'll be the first to admit I was extremely skeptical when I first learned of this new breakthrough research. Which is why...
Every time you see this little marking (1) next to any of the claims made below it means it's linked to scientific, peer-reviewed research (the gold standard of studies) confirming everything you're about to read is 100% substantiated.
This is a hard pill to swallow. Mainly because we’ve been taught in muscle magazines and bodybuilding websites that protein powder is the key to muscle growth. However...
Protein powder is not the key. Instead...
It’s the tiny “building blocks” INSIDE the protein called Amino Acids that help your muscles grow and repair. And...
When it comes to increasing your testosterone levels while building muscle, research shows whey protein is not your best option. Here’s why…
A recent study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine shows just 1 serving of whey protein significantly lowers testosterone levels (12)...
And although the amino acids in protein are important for building muscle... eating too heavy a diet in protein has been shown to shrink t-levels by 36% while increasing cortisol by 20% (13). Now...
There is a way to maximize your muscle gains while skyrocketing your testosterone levels at the same time… and it doesn’t involve whey protein. We’ll get to it in a second. But first…
Here’s another testosterone sabotaging food every man should avoid...
Not all nuts are created equal. For example, almonds and walnuts increase SHBG levels (14)… which stands for sex hormone binding globulin...
SHBG binds with your testosterone molecules and makes them ineffective (15). Think of it like a game of freeze tag…
Basically, SHBG is “it” and goes around “tagging” your testosterone molecules.
Once they’re "tagged", they can no longer move…
So your master male hormone becomes paralyzed and unusable to your body. Yet that’s not all...
Most nuts are packed with omega-6 fatty acids… which when eaten by the handfuls increases inflammation and raises cortisol levels (16). Thus shrinking testosterone levels even more.
Basically, eating the wrong kind of nut is a two-fold disaster for your manhood. Next...
Flaxseed has been praised as some “omega-rich” miracle seed. And while it’s an “okay” food for women, it’s the complete opposite for men. Here’s why...
Flaxseed is chock full of lignans… which contain the female hormone, estrogen. And explains why flaxseed has been shown to lower testosterone production. In fact...
This food is so strongly estrogenic that researchers have purposely used flaxseed to lower testosterone levels in women (17).
The result? The females in the experiment had an average testosterone decrease of 89%. Now…
I know you’re not a woman…
However, the experiment goes to show how dangerous flaxseed can be for your male hormones. And if you’re eating them regularly, NOW is the time to end the self-destruction before they take your t-levels down any further...
Wine (and alcohol consumption in general) has a “dose-dependent response” with your testosterone levels. Basically…
The more you drink, the more your t-levels shrink… this according to a recent study published in the Indian Journal of Physiological Pharmacology (18)...
Studies also show alcoholic men have higher estrogen levels and much lower testosterone levels than guys who are social drinkers or non-drinkers (19)... The reason why?
Cortisol. Alcohol increases this stress hormone… which, works against your testosterone levels.
Think of it like a seesaw. As your cortisol levels go up, your testosterone goes down…
And will stay down until cortisol levels begin to lower again. Which is why it’s important to limit your consumption of wine and other alcoholic beverages. Now... There is one alcoholic beverage that when consumed post-workout boosts testosterone a mammoth 100%!
Yet before I tell you which one, let’s uncover the last, “worst food” for your t-levels…
Just like nuts, not all oils should be treated equally. Especially vegetable oils… which are loaded with polyunsaturated fats...
When broken down in the body, these fats act as a testosterone lowering toxin that also slows down your metabolic rate (cite 20)…
Wreaking havoc on your manhood and making fat loss a greater challenge.
A list of commonly used vegetable oils to stay away from include: canola oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, palm oil, and avocado oil.
Now, those are just a few of the demasculinizing foods every man should stay away from. However, onto the good stuff…
The Male Hormone Producing, Estrogen Shrinking, Anabolic “Man Foods” You Can Experience Testosterone Raging RESULTS from…
Inside 97 Science-Backed Foods That Boost Testosterone, You'll Discover:
Now that’s just a glimpse of all of the science-backed information you’re going to receive inside the 97 Foods That Boost Testosterone (and other things) manual... However, I really want to give you two key resources that go hand-in-hand with your t-boosting manifesto, today. Including:
"Know My T-Levels" - the simple, at-home guide to discovering the health of your testosterone levels without going to the doctor. Now...
I’m not saying don’t get a check-up. However, how else are you going to keep tabs on your t-levels to make sure you’re heading in the right direction?
With “Know My T-Levels” I’ll give you the at-home guide to monitoring your progress so you can know what routines and foods are helping you truly maximize your male hormones so you can continue moving up the testosterone mountain...
Like anything, we like to track our progress...
We write down how many sets and reps we perform when lifting weights to monitor strength gains. We weigh ourselves on the scale to see our fat loss progress. Well...
Now you can do the same with your testosterone levels following the simple formula in this guide.
Anabolic Drinking Handbook - Inside you’ll discover the importance of hydration for your testosterone levels… all based on scientific research… giving you the right amounts of water to drink daily to maximize your master male hormone production. You’ll also uncover:
Remember, 65% of our body is made of water (51)… which is why it’s crucial for our health, hormones, and entire male biology to hydrate properly and follow the key principles listed in the Anabolic Drinking Handbook...
And it’s yours Free Today as an added bonus to your 97 Science Backed Foods That Boost Testosterone manual.
60 Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee
Nutrition is the fastest and most effective way to increase your testosterone levels. It’s “nature’s medicine” for a healthier, satisfying life. And...
As mentioned above, testosterone is the #1 key to more muscle, strength, better sex, high energy, and so much more… basically, all the “wirings” of your manhood are found in this single hormone…
And by eating the scientifically supported foods in this guide you can begin maximizing your master male hormone production starting TODAY. That’s how potent the material in this manual is. Now...
Because I know how important it is to get this guide into your hands so you can begin ramping-up your t-levels right away… and I don’t want you to be held back by worry or doubt. I’m going to give you my 60-day 100% money-back Anabolic Shield Triple Guarantee.
Which gives you the opportunity to flip through the pages of this guide Risk-Free. And if for whatever reason you don’t see the results you want. Or if there’s even one food, spice, or herb in this manual not backed by solid scientific research. Or maybe it was just “too much” information for your fancy… simply send me an email and I’ll provide you a full refund, no questions asked.
Think of today’s investment as a 60-day deposit. If you like what you see, fantastic! And if you don’t, I’ll be ready in a moment’s notice to refund you the full amount.
I’m putting all the risk on my shoulders because I know how life-changing this program is and the power it holds to transform your testosterone levels and boost your strength, energy, vigor and health. What risk do you have?
Listen. If you don’t want more of the #1 hormone that makes you look, feel, and perform like a true man… that’s fine.
Average men are seemingly okay with the shocking decline in testosterone levels these days. And aren’t worried about the chokehold low-t has on their body, sex life, marriage, work performance, or overall health. Which...
Is surprising because according to Dr. Elizabeth Barrett-Connor and a team of researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, men with low levels of testosterone are more likely to die young (52)...
Again, if you’re “okay” with being one of those guys, don’t let me stop you…
Yet if you’re a man who wants the highest levels of testosterone he can have and you want to enjoy all the benefits of being an anabolic man. Like...
Building more muscle, feeling strong than guys half your age, having boatloads of energy and focus, making more money, and being a savage between the sheets… you know what to do.
Listen. As Doctor Gary Wittert, mentioned earlier in this letter… low testosterone is NOT a normal part of aging. And can be reversed using simple dietary methods, which are found in the 97 Foods That Boost Testosterone (and other things) Manual...
So why settle? And why struggle when you don’t have to? You’re not destined to live a mediocre life…
You can have a lean and muscular body. You can be her “MVP” in the bedroom. You can make more money and have endless amounts of energy regardless of your age. Yet...
This type of living is reserved for one type of man only. The man who is proactive, not reactive. Meaning, he strikes when the iron is hot. Again…
Because I know how powerful this program is and have experienced amazing results myself…
I want to make this a no-brainer for you. So today, you can be a man who takes control of his own destiny. Takes action. And gets what YOU want. So…
Take advantage of my zero-risk 100% money-back triple guarantee. Click the button below. Eat the foods and follow the tips in the manual. Then get back to me with your life changing results.