Can You Really Build A Ripped Physique, Skyrocket Your Libido, and Fight Aging WITHOUT Giving Up The Foods You Crave?
You'll also discover: 4 Foods To Increase Your Anabolic Hormones TODAY So You Can Pack On Rock-Hard Muscle & Boost Your
Sex-Drive In Minutes...
Dear Reader,
What if I told you the same substance century-old explorers sailed around the world for... is wrapped up in the one hormone found on this very page...
And this single hormone is the key to unlocking the physique you’ve always wanted...
Sounds crazy, right?
Yet in 1513, European Explorer, Juan Ponce De Leon set sail around the world, searching for the “fountain of youth”...
A magical water that would keep you fit, strong, and healthy for the rest of your life…
Pack on lean muscle, boost your sex-drive, and ramp-up your energy following the strange eating trick on this very page!
These same waters were eventually discovered by Macedonian King, Alexander The Great in the 4th century B.C… A legendary ruler who was undefeated in battle and known as the greatest military general in history....
Unfortunately, for Ponce De Leon… His crew never found the fountain of youth. So he died at the young age of 47 years old. However, today there's good news...
Increase your fountain of youth hormone 2000% in 24 hours...FAST...both safely and naturally!
Researchers have discovered a “fountain of youth” hormone, that's naturally found in the human body…
Some men have tons of it. Along with more muscle, greater sex-drive, and plenty of energy...
However, the majority of men lack this hormone and desperately wish they had more...
...and today, instead of having to explore the world, searching for some mystery “spring of life” hidden in the islands of God knows where…
You have the opportunity to flood your veins with this powerful muscle-building hormone by following a proven eating technique...
But first… what's the “fountain of youth” hormone?
It’s called Human Growth Hormone. A natural substance which can turn back your internal clock, slash unwanted body fat, and increase your libido…
This same anabolic hormone is known as the “little brother” to steroids and is often injected illegally for superhuman strength and a muscle-stacking edge for bodybuilders and professional athletes...
Yet instead of spending thousands of dollars on dangerous growth hormone injections with nasty side-effects...
You can use one simple eating "hack" to SAFELY and NATURALLY explode your body with 2000% more growth hormone FAST...
First, let me introduce myself. Hi, I’m Joe LoGalbo. Most guys know me as the “Testosterone Hacker”. Basically, I help guys build more muscle , burn more fat , and ramp-up their male sex hormones like testosterone and growth hormone using powerful, science-backed fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle techniques . But it wasn’t always like this for me…
Almost two years ago, low testosterone nearly destroyed my marriage. And it didn't matter how much I exercised or what foods I ate, I was losing the battle millions of men suffer from every year.
Not only did low-t ruin my physique and shatter my confidence as a man...
My sex-drive got so low, my beautiful, newlywed wife accused me of falling out of love with her...
That day everything changed. I decided to turn my body into a testosterone hacking science experiment. No drugs. No injections. No nonsense. Just all-natural solutions that WORK. In the process I discovered this one eating trick so mind-blowingly simple and powerful it was like a shot of testosterone straight into my veins...
Not only did I begin to pack on slabs of muscle, I also burned through pounds of unwanted belly fat, shrunk my waistline, and best of all, saved my marriage and sex-life from a world of pain, frustration, and countless “shortages” between the sheets...
Since then, I’ve dedicated myself to helping thousands of men transform their bodies, crank-up their male-sex hormones, and even save their marriages all through this easy to use anabolic nutrition hack, which you'll discover today...
First, here are four foods you can eat right now to release your Fountain of Youth hormone and start burning fat, packing on muscle, and ramping up your sex drive...
Revealed: 4 Foods To Increase Your Anabolic Fountain Of Youth Hormone TODAY...
Melatonin rich foods can increase growth hormone by 157%, with raspberries being the most potent melatonin concentrated food. Toss this ancient fruit into your morning oatmeal, blend in a smoothie, or enjoy atop creamy French vanilla ice cream.
This anabolic fruit energizes your body and boosts your male libido in minutes...
According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology, when you eat pineapple before bed you naturally increase growth hormone levels overnight. This fruit releases melatonin and serotonin during sleep... two chemicals which stimulate GH production...
Not only that... pineapple is proven to naturally boost t-levels, making it a "double-whammy" for muscle growth and a heightened sex-drive.
The amino acids in a fresh and juicy beef patty are plenty to switch your body into an anabolic state.
According to one study recorded at the University of Texas, the amino acids in beef help synthesize L-orthinine; a compound that ramps-up growth hormone production 4X...
Eggs are full of anabolic vitamins A, E, D, K and B. and filled with potent peptides shown to jump-start new muscle growth.
Old school bodybuilders swear by it. Take it from Mr. Universe competitor Vince Gironda who said, "3 dozen fertile hen-eggs a day are as effective as anabolic steroids."
If You're Serious About Packing On Lean Muscle And Boosting Your Sex Drive You Won't Stop At Those Four Foods...
C'mon... that's like taking one gold coin from a treasure chest when you could have the whole thing...
Because you can eat every anabolic food known to man for MAXIMUM muscle-building, age reversing, libido boosting results...
And for the icing on the cake, all you'll have to do is follow this simple nutrition technique and watch your growth hormone levels soar off the charts...
The Anabolic Feasting Protocol Scientifically Proven To Boost Growth Hormone Levels 2000% In 24 Hours For Head-Turning Muscle Gains, Fast Fat Loss, & Supercharged Libido WITHOUT Giving Up The Foods You Crave
Until now, you may have settled for a frilly fat loss diet forcing you to shove salads down your throat and log your calories for every crumb of food you swallow…
Leaving you starving, low on energy, and with your sex-drive on life support... all while wasting your time inconveniently tracking macros. And get this...
The US National Library of Medicine recently confirmed popular low-fat diets full of high fiber foods like salads, broccoli, and green smoothies are actually devastating your testosterone production, shrinking your muscle mass and making fat loss harder...
Or maybe you’ve been told by a personal trainer to eat every two hours to “speed up your metabolism”... which dramatically disrupts your weight loss goals and keeps you from getting ripped...
Truth is, most personal trainers don't want you to discover this eating trick. Because you'll quickly find it to be your #1 secret weapon to quick and easy fat loss and muscle building results that energize your body and skyrocket your male hormones...
And you'll no longer have to spend hundreds of dollars on a trainer or crappy supplements and diet plans that don't work...
This Anabolic Protocol Is So Powerful, You’ll Eat All The Foods You Love Guilt Free. Foods Like...
Imagine How It Will Feel To Eat What You Want And STILL Have A Jaw-Dropping Physique That Performs In The Bedroom Like You Were Decades Younger...
Your chest and arms look lean and vascular, abs are tight and carved...
Your sex-drive is off the charts and you have more than enough stamina to carry you through an entire night with your partner...
And to have it all WITHOUT starving yourself with another pointless diet…
Or have to pay for expensive hormone therapies or dangerous pills with their side-effects...
Today you can discover the eating solution for men that will do all the above and more...
Yet I'll warn you... this is NOT for every man...
If you love to count calories and only eat bland and boring meals... Anabolic Eating is NOT for you...
However, If You Want FAST Muscle Gains While Boosting Your Sexual Performance & Having 2000% MORE Growth Hormone In 24 Hours, THIS IS FOR YOU...
Here's What Else You'll Discover Inside:
Anabolic Eating Manual
($79 VALUE)
Introducing the complete Anabolic Eating Protocol For Men. A done-for-you eating formula scientifically proven to flood your body with massive amounts of growth hormone and testosterone…
While giving you the nutritional power to maximize your muscle gains and demolish stubborn body fat WITHOUT sacrificing the foods every man craves...
This program is so simple and easy. Just follow the anabolic strategies in this manual and watch your body transform.
Anabolic Eating Cookbook
(VALUE $59)
Inside this powerful cookbook you'll have access to 51 of my favorite Anabolic Recipes for building muscle and torching belly fat.
These meals are quick and easy to whip together and will fuel your muscle gains, ramp-up your energy levels and supercharge your sex-drive in minutes...
Although these recipes are not mandatory, they are a fun way to liven things up in kitchen and amplify your results.
Anabolic Grub Grocery Guide
($19 VALUE)
The Anabolic Grub Grocery Guide gives you the best-of-the-best foods to naturally pump-up your human growth hormone levels and accelerate your muscle building and fat burning results...
Eat a few of these powerful foods a day and you'll notice a fresh surge of all-day energy and an overwhelming boost in your sex-drive.
Anabolic Eating Meal Logs
($19 VALUE)
Keep track of all the delicious meals you’ve eaten with your simple Anabolic Eating Meal log...
No counting calories, no calculating macros or weighing out portions...
Simply record the foods you eat and the amount of fat you've lost for the day to keep tabs on your progress with each entry.
($47 VALUE)
On this page only you'll get 51 extra mouth-watering appetizers and entrees to maximize your male hormones and help you build rock-hard muscle WITHOUT packing on unwanted body fat...
Imagine, chowing-down muscle-packing potato skins, delicious and creamy anabolic artichoke dip, or juicy pulled pork sandwiches that help you pile on stacks of muscle and demolish pounds of stubborn fat.
($37 VALUE)
The Anabolic Desserts cookbook is full of simple and sweet muscle-building recipes that turn your favorite desserts into power meals that won't lower your testosterone levels like other sugary treats...
Inside this Anabolic Desserts cookbook you'll have access to my special high protein "chiseled cheesecake," chocolate loaded lava cake, and muscle-stacking dark chocolate mousse...
And you can have instant access to ALL of these Anabolic recipes when you order the Anabolic Eating protocol today...
I Want To Make It Easy For You To Eat Like A Man Again
So I've put together this complete, done-for-you system that pumps up your anabolic fountain of youth hormone, piles on muscle mass, and destroys dangerous and ugly body fat while you still enjoy all your favorite foods...
And because I’m releasing this to the public for the first time, I’m seeking 300 personal testimonials and transformation pictures to add to the "Anabolic Wall of Fame", for my BIG launch of the program in a few months.
You’ve proven you’re serious about building a ripped physique and boosting your sex hormones and energy by reading this far, so I trust you’ll follow this plan closely.
Trust me, you'll see how simple it is once you crack it open...
So for a killer before and after picture, I’m going to practically give this program away for a massive discount of over 80% off at just a one-time investment of $19.
After the first 300 guys, I'm pulling the plug on this discount for good...
So grab it today before it's too late...
I’m so confident you’ll love the results (and food) in this program that I’ll put all of the risk on me…
Pack On Lean Muscle, Crank Up Your Libido, And Feel Ageless Or Your Money Back
Today’s popular “diets” are created for women, not men. And if you follow one of those salad and smoothie diets with your small portion containers you’ll to take a big kick to your testosterone levels. Your muscle mass will shrink. And you’ll have less energy than a dying sloth...
Listen. Anabolic Eating is NOT a diet. You’re going to be stuffing yourself with TONS of mouth-watering, delicious meals you crave… without any guilt or negative consequences.
And if you’re still reading, I’m willing to bet you’re fed up with “over-hyped” diets that yield little results…
Yet I know Anabolic Eating IS the answer for you. So I refuse to let anything hold you back...
Which is why I’m giving you my Anabolic Shield 60 Day, Triple Money Back Guarantee.
Where you'll have a full 60 days to get started and experience this powerful protocol for yourself risk free...
It’s easy to follow too. Simply use this one eating trick and you’ll unlock 2000% more “fountain of youth” hormone safely and naturally in the next 24 hours...
You'll begin to notice an obvious change in your energy levels, fitness performance and libido as early as this time tomorrow… Give it a couple of weeks and you’ll have a noticeably leaner and more muscular physique even while eating a hefty plate of my cheesy anabolic beef nachos or other mouth-watering recipes…
Yet if for some reason you don't notice these results, just reach out and I’ll be more than happy to provide you a full refund.
I’m putting my neck on the line. Because I have my personal experience and recent scientific studies prove it… So if you’re a guy and you want more muscle, better sex, and greater health, Anabolic Eating is for you… what's there to lose?
And for only $19? That’s less than a couple bags of organic kale (not that you’ll need that) or one of those wheatgrass smoothies at your local hipster tea joint…
In 24 Hours You Can Have 2000% More Growth Hormone WITHOUT Expensive Pills, Painful Injections, Or Any Dangerous Side Effects...
All while enjoying into your favorite appetizers, lunchtime platters, and flavor-packed desserts with NO REGRETS. For the first time in your life you’ll get amazing results from this new way of eating and no longer feel stuck, frustrated, or enslaved in another diet again…
So now you’re at a crossroad…
You can continue on the same frustrating path… choking down another small salad or chicken breast with broccoli. Feeling weak, low on energy, all while losing the muscle mass you work so hard to gain...
You’ll continue suffering from a low sex-drive. Leaving your partner unfulfilled. While you feel like an animal trapped in a cage. All because you chose to follow the wrong diet that feminizes your body inside and out...
OR you can crack the code on dieting FOREVER…
Eating the foods you crave. Feeling satisfied after every meal. And getting the body you’ve always wanted...
Imagine having a ripped and tight midsection, shoulders popping and chiseled pecs… You’ll look like a Greek statue and feel as hard as one too…
And that can all begin for you today. Don’t settle for another muscle sapping and libido shriveling diet EVER again...
Click The “Buy Now” Button Below For Instant Access To The ONLY Anabolic Eating Protocol For Men Who Want More Lean Muscle, Greater Sex-Drive, And To Feel Ageless
To Your Success,
P.S. If you want jaw-dropping fat loss results, while supercharging your sex-drive, boosting lean muscle mass and doing it all without giving up any of the foods you crave as a man, what’s stopping you? Dude, you’re here for a reason. You want more out of your body but you don't want to sabotage your male sex hormones by following another diet made for women. Smart of you. It’s time to make it a reality for less than the cost of two cups of coffee, You can click or tap here to start eating anabolic now.
P.P.S. And don’t forget… you’re backed up by my Anabolic Shield, 60-day money back triple guarantee. You truly have nothing to lose. Don’t wait any longer. I’d hate for you to click away and never come back. Only to fast forward a month, a year, or even 5 years from now and look back with regrets. Also remember, this special discount is only available for a very limited time. I wouldn’t want you to miss out.
What Is Anabolic Eating And How Does It Work?
Answer: Anabolic Eating is a unique nutrition program developed from scientific research proven to increase growth hormone levels in men for maximum muscle building results, enhanced sex-drive and libido function, and accelerated fat loss. Studies show the Anabolic Eating technique in this program increases growth hormone levels up to 2000% in the first 24 hours.
This eating solution is specifically made for hormone optimization in men. Which is the "holy grail" for building muscle, boosting sexual performance, and improving vitality and longevity. Research shows this same Anabolic Eating pattern also increases testosterone levels by 180% in men, compared to most modern diets which have a negative side-effect on male hormones (US National Library of Medicine).
Is It True Other "Diets" Could Be The Reason I'm Not Losing Fat?
Answer: Yes. Most "diets" today are designed for female hormones. Not male hormones. Unfortunately, massive dieting corporations don't provide any warning for men about the negative hormonal side effects. For this reason, guys are increasing their fat storage cells, lowering their testosterone levels, and shrinking their muscle tissue, unknowingly.
Anabolic Eating is designed entirely for men to maximize their hormones for rapid fat burning, superior muscle building, and intensified sex-drive.
Who Is Anabolic Eating Not For?
Answer: I’d like to say this program is for everyone, but it’s not. If you are one of those guys who loves small plastic "portion control" containers and choking down green smoothies three times per day, this is not for you. Anabolic Eating is for men who want to eat the foods us guys love, but still burn through fat and pack on lean muscle. Following today's feminizing "diets" will only slow your results. For that reason I don’t want you to purchase the program until you are ready to put your plastic tupperware containers in the back of the cabinet for good.
Yes, I Want To Start Anabolic Eating Today!
Is This Another Restrictive Diet?
Answer: No. Although Anabolic Eating is simple, structured, and easy to follow, the food selections are diverse and flexible. Just follow the Anabolic Eating technique inside the program and you can eat your favorite entrees, appetizers, desserts, and drinks, GUILT FREE.
How Long Before I Notice Results?
Answer: It depends how closely you follow the program. If you follow everything exactly as I lay out, you can begin to notice improvements in your physique in a week and an increase in your sex drive and energy in 2-3 weeks.
What If Anabolic Eating Doesn't Work For Me?
Answer: If you don’t notice a difference, just send me an email and I’ll be more than happy to issue you a refund. No question, no hassles.
Will I Have To Eat The Same Foods Everyday?
Answer: No. Anabolic Eating as mentioned above Anabolic Eating has the most diverse and flexible food selections men are guaranteed to enjoy.
Who Do You Recommend Anabolic Eating To?
Answer: I strongly recommend this program to guys 30 - 60 years old or guys who are looking to build muscle and burn fat without sacrificing meals out with friends or giving up "taste" just to get lean. Anabolic Eating fights back against feminizing diets by releasing strong amounts of growth hormone, for increased muscle building, enhanced fat loss and enlarged sex drive and energy.
Click The "BUY NOW" Button Below To Get Today's Special Discount Price Of Only $19
Yes, I Want To Start Anabolic Eating Today!
How Long Does It Take For Me To Get The Program?
Answer: About 10 seconds to a few minutes. After you purchase, you’ll get instant access to the entire Anabolic Eating program. You can download it to your computer and start increasing your fountain of youth hormone right away. Nothing is shipped in the mail so you don’t have to wait through any long fulfilment process for your program. Plus, doing it this way allows me to offer you the entire system at a reduced price, which are bonus points for you!
Is My Credit Card And Personal Information Safe?
Answer: Absolutely. When you click the “buy now” button you’ll be taken to ClickBank’s 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information is electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted with over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.
Who Is Clickbank?
Answer: Clickbank is a global platform where digital product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s stern approval process ensures only high quality products and valid information is given to all customers.
Can I Use PayPal To Checkout?
Answer: Yes. You can securely purchase Anabolic Eating using your PayPal account or any major debit or credit card.
Will I Be Billed More Than Once?
Answer: No. Anabolic Eating is a one time secure payment and you’ll be an owner of the program forever.