Attention Men Over 40: Now You Can Build Muscle FASTER Than Guys Half Your Age - In Minutes!
“XRX” Method Revamps Your Testosterone And Reshapes Your Body - Adding Inches Of
Rock-Hard Muscle To Your Frame In Days…
While Rewinding Time On Your Cells So You Can Enjoy All-Day Energy, Drive, And Unshakable Confidence ‘Between The Sheets’...
Dear Reader,
If you would like to add 5,10, even 20 pounds of eye-grabbing muscle to your body… and do it all in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, even if you’ve never exercised a day in your life or feel you’re too out of shape… then read every word on this page...
Because minutes from now you’ll discover what some men are calling a muscle-building breakthrough that defies aging...
Releasing the grip of ‘Father Time’ on your physique and regenerating your testosterone so you can enjoy the body and life you deserve...
And it won't matter if...
You suffer from joint pain or past injuries - this method is easy on your bones and calms your joints so you can enjoy youthful pain-free movement...
Have low testosterone - According to Todd Schroeder, PhD, who studies exercise and hormones in older men at the University of South Carolina… this type of exercise will revive your master male hormone and permanently skyrocket your T-levels 41% in weeks (1, 2)...
Are 65+ years old - University of Oklahoma research shows older men using this style of training can build MORE muscle than guys half their age (3)… and According to research from Harvard University, helps men ward off age-related muscle loss so you can look and feel years younger and stronger (4)
You're on medication - Several studies including one published in the Journal of Human Hypertension found this routine can fix your cholesterol, and treat high blood pressure so you can get off expensive Big Pharma meds and their dangerous side effects (5)...
Have 30+ pounds to lose - This powerful XRX method supercharges your fat burning hormones and eliminates saggy man breasts while erasing inches off your waist no matter your current physical shape...
You believe you're "past your prime" and your best days are behind you - According to University of Sydney professor, Maria Singh, men in their 70’s who have used this muscle-building method for years have identical size and strength compared to 20-year-old active guys (6).
Men Everywhere Are Ditching Their Chubby
“Dad Bods” For A Head-Turning Physique And
Anabolic Surge That Can’t Be Replicated…
And in a minute I’ll share how a handful of exercises used just 3 days per week… coupled with a powerful XRX method... has me packing on slabs of muscle while getting chiseled in my mid 40’s...
And how YOU can too...
Yet first you need to hear this...
Because if you’ve tried exercising before and can’t seem to get in the shape you want… or maybe you feel stuck in a rut and you’re no longer seeing the results you once were… it’s not your fault.
Brand new research published in the US National Library of Medicine confirms…
Traditional Gym Workouts Can Freeze Your Testosterone Production…
And Release The #1 Enemy To Your Manhood - The "Low T Accelerator" - To Attack Your Muscles And Cells (7, 8)
Causing scary and embarrassing side-effects like muscle decay, strength loss, slowed metabolism, erectile dysfunction, chronic fatigue, brain fog, diabetes (9)...
And Can Even Cause Heart Attacks! (10)
So keep reading. Not only will this information save your life... when you follow the simple advice on this page you’ll build a powerful physique on command while losing inches of ugly fat around your belly, chest, back, and love-handles…
And enjoy a fresh surge of testosterone so powerful you’ll feel like you hit a second puberty...
Yet first, here’s the SCARY truth about the condition of men today…
Men’s Testosterone Levels Are The LOWEST They’ve Been In Human History...
It's a hard pill to swallow. yet it's true...
1 in 4 men over 30 suffer from low testosterone (11). And this epidemic is getting worse…
According to a 2016 publication in the scientific journal Therapeutic Advances In Urology, men are losing up to 2% of their natural testosterone every year (12). Which is devastating news because...
Low Testosterone Has Deadly And Degrading Side Effects...
Reports from the Cleveland Clinic show 52% of men suffer from erectile dysfunction (13). Which is closely associated to your testosterone health... And according to Harvard University Medical School is an “early warning sign of heart disease” (14)…
And get this. Dallas, Fort Worth Fertility Associates report, healthy testosterone levels are crucial for sperm production... which has plummeted. With sperm counts dropping more than 59.3% in 39 years (15)...
Which is bone-chilling news… because according to Shanna Swan, reproductive epidemiologist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, low sperm counts are linked to premature death (16).
Meaning you may be taken from God’s green earth long before your time…
I know it sucks hearing all that. And unfortunately, our government and medical physicians aren’t taking the issue seriously…
And the only ‘way out’ they give you is an expensive blue pill - which has been prescribed to 40% of the ‘over 40’ male population in America (17)...
Yet it’s been shown to cause blindness, sudden loss of hearing, abnormally fast heart beat, even full blow heart attacks (18)...
And if it’s not Viagra… they force you to sign up for testosterone replacement therapy. Which has tripled in prescriptions over the past 15 years (19)…
And according to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine is being over-prescribed to men who don’t need it (19)...
And instead of fixing their patient’s low testosterone naturally and ethically… greedy doctors are handing out TRT prescriptions like it’s candy. Which...
Once you start there’s no turning back…
Because if for whatever reason you want to stop TRT… maybe you hate the side effects. Or money is tight. Or maybe you’re just sick and tired of needing pills and injections to feel like a man again…
Your male biology won’t survive...
Because TRT kills your natural ability to produce testosterone...
Forcing you to become Big Pharma’s lifelong cash cow. Whom they feed off for years, even decades...
Robbing you of every penny while they zap your natural testosterone production until your only hope for a decent life is their drugs…
You see, there aren’t many options for men...
Leaving us to feel helpless and in 'survival' mode...
Suffering in silence with aging bodies, bulging bellies, low sex drive, and little energy...
Not to mention low-t turns regular men into ticking time bombs with a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, even suicide (20, 21, 22)...
And exercise prescriptions from your doctor only make things worse… as do the “muscle programs” spewed across the internet by steroid-abusing juice-heads or teenagers and ‘20 somethings’ who know nothing about the battle us older men face…
In fact… most workout plans trigger a sneaky hormone called the “low t accelerator”...
Which I’ll show you how to dodge in a minute... using a simple formula to skyrocket muscle growth and strength well into your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond while pumping your veins with fresh testosterone and supercharging your body with all-day energy and stamina to go the distance at the office and between the sheets. First...
You May Be Wondering Who I Am And Why You Should Listen To Me...
Hi. I’m Jonathan Lawson. 45 year-old husband, father, and fitness author who’s appeared in some of the world’s most trusted publications like Iron Man magazine,, Livestrong, and Testosterone Nation…
And I know how it feels to reach a certain age and have your male biology turn against you in the snap of a finger...
Fat seems to “stick” more. Like it’s been super-glued to your belly and love-handles...
When you look in the mirror your muscles seem to turn into mush. And every workout is a painful reminder you’re not as strong as you once were...
Plus the added body aches and nagging joint pain steal your motivation to stay in shape. Energy levels are low. Sex isn’t as satisfying for you or her...
You feel like a fraction of the man you used to be. And your best days are behind you. Well...
I’ve been there. And experienced the roadblocks all men face with age. Yet it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, I’m here to show you why...
Aren’t Just Reserved For The 20 And 30 Year Olds Of The World. Instead Men Of All Ages Can Enjoy These Benefits To Kingdom Come!
However, working out like you had in the past is only making things worse. So if you’re over 40...
Do Not Perform Another Workout Until You’ve Read Every Word On This Page!
Because there’s a lethal enemy waging war on your muscle gains and manhood. A hidden threat I call the “Low-T Accelerator”. Also known as cortisol...
Which is like Kryptonite to your testosterone. Because…
In The Presence Of Cortisol Your T-levels Shrink. And The Longer You Let This Go On... The Worse Your Body Looks And Feels (23)...
Unfortunately most workouts force our body to make a lot of cortisol...
Which according to the Journal, Obesity Research, causes muscle atrophy and fat gain (24)... Shrinks your sex drive... Crushes your immune system (25)... and so much more. Basically…
This one aging hormone turns your male biology against you…
And you become 1 out of the every 4 men who struggles with low testosterone daily...
Or if you already suffer from low-t the side effects only get worse. Increasing the damage it’s having on your body. Now...
I’m willing to bet you’re a man who doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life spinning your wheels... trying to build muscle with little success or none at all. ‘Short-circuiting’ during sex. And carrying layers of ugly fat on your belly, chest, and back...
Which is why if you're a man approaching your 40's or beyond...
You Must Avoid These 3 Common Exercise Mistakes That Release The “Low T Accelerator” And Crush Your Results...
Low T Accelerator #1: The Cortisol Tipping Point
Most guys think the more they train the more muscle they gain. Not the case. Especially after turning 30...
Because unless you’re in your 20’s or filling your body with artificial hormones and steroids... long workouts in the gym will crush your testosterone levels. You see...
Exercise is like filling a bathtub with water. To a certain point, the water is contained in the tub. Yet if you continue letting the water run it eventually spills over the sides and runs a dangerous course…
Damaging your floor boards. Pouring through the ceiling tiles. And ruining thousands of dollars of furniture and electronics. The spillover from the tub wreaks havoc on your home…
And the connection between your workouts and body is no different.
The very moment you reach the “cortisol tipping point” - your body is flooded with a rush of deadly hormones that smother your natural testosterone production and force your body into a catabolic state...
Meaning, your muscle and hormones begin wasting away (26)... while your body begins storing fat instead of burning it - this confirmed by researchers at Yale University (27).
And before you know it, your “good workout” is secretly sabotaging your hard earned muscle gains… running a muck throughout your body and cells. And you walk out of the gym with less testosterone and energy than when you walked in…
So if you’ve been working out with little or no results. It’s not your fault. It’s this deadly hormone that’s been “spilling over” into your bloodstream, cells, and muscles. However, there’s good news...
High Testosterone Accelerator #1: Anabolic Override
Here’s a fast and simple solution to guarantee you never lose your hard-earned muscle gains and much-needed testosterone again…
It’s called the Anabolic Override...
Which uses 1) short rest periods between sets to maximize testosterone production...
One study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows 90-120 second rest periods between sets produce a greater testosterone spike than those taking longer rest periods (28).
And 2) if you reach 45 minutes with your workout - pull the chord and end your training session no matter what. Then enjoy a massive testosterone spike for the rest of the day WITHOUT any cortisol spillover…
Because after 45 minutes of training your body stops producing testosterone. And according to a study published in the Journal of Endocrinology, after 60-minutes of training your body is poisoned with testosterone-killing cortisol (29)...
Follow these two methods during exercise and you’ll experience a massive anabolic chemical rush and explosive muscle gains every single workout…
And you’ll have tons of energy for the day and a sex-drive that will leave your partner fully satisfied every time...
Low T Accelerator #2: Marathon Cardio Sessions
A shocking study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine shows testosterone levels are lower in endurance running men compared to guys who don’t even exercise (30)...
The study also shows endurance training can damage your male reproductive system. Which is frightening news because “do more cardio” is the #1 prescribed form of exercise for men over 40...
In fact certain forms of cardio can even cause erectile dysfunction as confirmed in the Journal of Sexual Medicine (31)...
Basically long cardio sessions are waging war on your testosterone levels and manhood...
Throwing your male biology into confusion and causing your “buddy down below” to forget what it’s supposed to do in the bedroom…
Plus, there’s a reason endurance runners look skinny fat and have little muscle. Reports from the Department of Physiology at a University in Dresden, Germany shows endurance runners have high cortisol levels (32)... which again, is the deadliest hormone to your testosterone and eats away at your muscle mass.
However, it doesn’t have to be this way...
High Testosterone Accelerator #2: Anabolic EPOC
When doing a long cardio workout your body stops burning calories the instant you step off the treadmill.
So if you burned 300 calories. That’s it. No more fat loss for you.
Not to mention, regular cardio workouts don’t build muscle...
So if you’re trying to get strong and muscular for the beach… or just to look good naked next time you’re twisting between the sheets, traditional cardio workouts won’t do the trick. However…
When you combine strength training with short rest periods you achieve “Anabolic EPOC.” Which stands for excess post-exercise oxygen consumption...
Basically EPOC is the amount of calories you burn after a workout…
And according to research from the University of New Mexico, when you perform a similar strength training routine that I’ll reveal below, you experience the greatest amount of EPOC - or post workout fat burn - ever recorded from a single workout (33).
Not only will your body become an all-day fat burning furnace…
You’ll also build muscle at the exact same time. A result scientists formerly thought could only be achieved using steroids...
However, this breakthrough discovery is helping men pack on stacks of muscle while getting chiseled without going on ‘the sauce’...
Low T Accelerator #3: Too Many Sessions At The Gym
Research published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity shows recovery time between workouts slows with age (34). Meaning, the older you get, the more rest you need between training sessions…
And if you don’t follow this principle you’ll suffer from a dangerous event called overtraining syndrome…
Which according to the National Sports Medicine Institute causes chronic fatigue, disturbed sleep, high blood pressure, and risk of injuries (35)
Which is the fastest way to crush your muscle-building dreams. After all…
You can’t exercise when you’re injured, right?
And if you do it only leads to more pain and frustration. Maybe even a costly doctor bill. Yet that’s not all...
A recent study published by the Institute of Sports and Preventative Medicine shows overtraining lowers your testosterone levels and causes cortisol to skyrocket (36). Which can stunt your male hormone production for weeks at a time… sometimes months.
Instead, training three days per week is all you need to build a muscular, testosterone-pumped body...
High Testosterone Accelerator #3: Anabolic Recovery and Phasing
Brad Schoenfeld PhD compared muscle-training frequency with experienced weight lifters…
One group trained each muscle once a week - totaling 5 days of workouts in the gym. The other group followed 3 full-body workouts per week. The result?
The group training only three times per week made the biggest muscle gains.
And according to a recent publication in the journal, Biology of Sport, full body workouts burn more fat... while releasing a greater testosterone-boosting and cortisol lowering response compared to those following a traditional ‘bodybuilding split’ (37).
So stop following status quo strength routines that focus on one or two muscle groups per workout. Instead… train each muscle in your body two or three times per week and you’ll speed-up your results…
You’ll be shocked at how fast you pile on muscle and how energized you’ll feel as your body produces more testosterone…
These High Testosterone Accelerators - Combined In A Revolutionary Muscle Building Formula - Give You Extreme Anabolic Pumps You Can See And Feel In Minutes!
And you won't have to...
Instead, you can safely and naturally pack on pounds of rock hard muscle FAST while skyrocketing your testosterone levels in just 3 days per week using my brand new XRX sets...
Which stands for X-rep X-celleration. You see…
There are two main muscle fiber types. Slow twitch and fast twitch.
Traditional fitness programs typically work one muscle type or the other. For example…
High rep workouts - work your slow twitch fibers. And low rep workouts - work your fast twitch fibers...
And sure. You can still build muscle that way. However, you’re leaving half your results on the table. Now...
Some programs try combining the two muscle fiber types into one workout. With half of your workout being high reps and the other half being low reps. And while these programs can also work…
They’re typically long-winded. Keeping you in the gym for hours, most days of the week and sabotaging your testosterone levels...
Not to mention, you’re releasing boatloads of deadly cortisol that eats away at your progress over time. And causes you to miss out on the hard earned muscle you work so hard for…
I learned this the hard way...
Trying all sorts of programs and techniques to build muscle in my 40’s but wound up frustrated and burnt out. Watching my strength shrink week after week in the gym (which is a dead giveaway you’re losing muscle mass)…
And my energy levels were at an all-time low. I was so tired I’d have little focus to be attentive to my son. And that fiery sex-drive in the bedroom my wife used to love, dried up to a trickle...
Basically, my workouts were doing more harm than good...
And I knew something had to change. Which led me to discover XRX.
A powerful combination that activates both your slow and fast twitch muscle fibers in a single set...
Which allows you to maximize muscle growth...
While spending minutes in the gym instead of hours. Skyrocketing your testosterone and warding off hazardous cortisol that robs you of results...
Each workout you’ll experience sleeve-splitting muscle growth and throbbing muscle pumps so large you’ll feel like you’re transforming from an ordinary man into the Incredible Hulk, right there in the gym...
As your veins fill with natural testosterone and growth hormone. Giving you an anabolic tingling-sensation you’ll never forget...
Your joints will feel awakened to new life and your body infused with fresh energy. It’s an experience us ‘mature men’ thought we’d never enjoy again. Until now...
Because I’ve put my little-known XRX method, including the 3 High-T Accelerators into one stupid-simple program ANY man can use for mind-blowing results. Introducing the...
Featuring The Brand New “XRX” Method For Fast, Safe, And Shocking Muscle-Growth...
With Anabolic After 40 You’ll Unlock ‘Steroid-like’ Muscle Gains - Adding Inches Of Ripped Muscle To Your Frame While Skyrocketing Your Testosterone Levels In Days Using The Ultra Powerful “XRX” Method That Delivers High-Speed, Head-Turning Results…
Inside Anabolic After 40 You'll Also Discover:
Now I Really Want To Make This A No-Brainer And Virtually Guarantee Your Success Over The Next Coming Weeks And Beyond…
Which Is Why I’ve Decided To Include $250 Of Free Value Added Bonuses Today
Bonus #1:
20 lbs In 10 Weeks Blueprint
Inside the 20 lbs in 10 Weeks Blueprint I’ll reveal every detail of how I personally gained 20 lbs of pure muscle in less than 3 months. Including...
My exact Size Surge workouts to the “t”. A complete nutrition outline. The exact supplements I took and at what times. And plenty more...
Inside The 20 lbs in 10 Weeks Blueprint You’ll Also Discover:
- The controversial ‘Colorado Experiment’ that helped one man pack on 63 lbs of muscle in 4 weeks and how I used similar methods to build 20 lbs of lean mass faster than guys taking roids. And how YOU can too...
- A complete exercise illustration and execution guide where I’ll show you the exact movements and muscle cues to help you pack on mass FAST and in the safest, most effective way possible. It’ll be like I’m right there with you coaching you through each set, rep and exercise...
- The simple strength techniques I used to add 90 lbs to my bench press and 130 lbs to my squat WITHOUT performing dangerous “one-rep maxes” or other high risk powerlifting workouts...
- 7 easy-to-use tips to accelerate your muscle building results… the ONLY type cardio you’ll ever need to get ripped… how a simple mind-trick will skyrocket muscle growth… and much, MUCH More!
Basically, I’ll go in the trenches with you and reveal every trick and tactic I used so you can add 20 lbs or more to your frame (if that’s your goal) even faster than I did...
Bonus #2: Anabolic After 40 Bodyweight Edition
Do you want to pile on pounds of mass using ONLY your bodyweight?
Fitness author and creator of Anabolic Running, Joe LoGalbo takes you through the Anabolic After 40 Bodyweight Program...
A bodyweight muscle-building routine you can follow from anywhere to transform your physique…
No bands. No barbells. No gym.
Simply follow these done-for-you workouts from home and build the strong and rock-solid body that turns heads.
These routines also act as a powerful “workout substitute” if you can’t make it to the gym… are a frequent traveler… or you’re a bodyweight enthusiast who’d rather build dense muscle from his own living room.
Bonus #3:
X-traordinary Arms
Do you want your arm growth to take off like a rocket? Well...
The secret to big pipes is simple. Train them intensely, efficiently, and not too frequently while still covering all the angles...
And inside X-traordinary arms you’ll do just that… in fact, you’ll discover the the exact sleeve-splitting and vein-popping combinations that will add one inch to your arms in a few weeks…
Every workout you’ll enjoy muscle pumps so big and shocking you’ll feel like your skin is ripping…
And after each routine you’ll visibility see your arms growing in the mirror… so don’t be surprised when your biceps and triceps begin hugging tightly against your shirts as your forearms become so thick, vascular, and strong you can rip a phonebook in half. Listen...
Big arms are a universal symbol of power and sex...
Men respect guys with jacked arms and women can’t help but be magnetically lured to touch and grab them…
With the X-traordinary arms program you'll experience all the above with a robust surge of confidence you can't put a price on...
Bonus #4:
24 Hour Testosterone Surge
Want to boost your testosterone levels in the next 24 hours without going to the gym?
Inside 24 Hour Testosterone Surge you’ll discover:
- A simple morning routine you can follow for a massive 120% boost in your t-levels… (and it only takes 15 minutes)
- The 8-minute solution you can use any day of the week for an immediate 530% growth hormone spike that also shreds body fat and builds muscle at the exact same time…
- Research from Columbia and Harvard University show holding this one pose for 2-minutes gives you an instant 20% testosterone boost. Hold this pose while brewing your morning coffee for an automatic anabolic rush…
- An effortless eating trick you can use for 180% more “T” in the next 24 hours. How to use coffee for a 12% testosterone spike. The specific micronutrients you need to supercharge testosterone levels. PLUS: a bonus Testosterone Boosting Daily Checklist. And so much more!
Listen. Testosterone is the #1 hormone us men need for muscle, sex, energy, and focus...
Combine this simple and convenient routine with your Anabolic After 40 program and you’ll have more than enough testosterone to be a high performing man in the gym, at the office, and behind closed doors.
Like I said, I want this to make this a no-brainer for you. A complete done-for-you muscle-building guide that helps you build a strong and powerful physique regardless of your age or genetics...I know how life changing this entire system is… and how it can end your muscle-building frustrations for good and help you pack on slabs of muscle for decades to come. Seriously...
This will be the last muscle building book you'll ever need…
The Anabolic After 40 Muscle Size Manual has been my #1 source to unlocking brand new growth for decades WITHOUT slowing down…
So even if you’ve reached “that age” where doctors, friends, even family, tell you to give-up on your body… you can prove them wrong, just like I have, when you follow this program to the “T.” And enjoy brand new muscle and the high testosterone lifestyle you deserve…
With boatloads of energy, a relentless sex-drive, and unshakable confidence that makes life a blast...
Now initially I was planning on selling the entire program for $97. After all, I’ve had clients pay me thousands of dollars every month just to take them through the same routines inside the Anabolic After 40 Muscle Size Manual…
Not to mention, this is my life’s work. I rounded up this information from decades of interviews, underground secrets from natural bodybuilders and fitness models, and results-proven tactics that have transformed the body and lives for hundreds of men in my own personal training studio...
However, my mission isn’t money...It’s to help discouraged and frustrated men around the world reach their dream physique... without burning out your energy levels, slaving away in the gym or trashing your male hormones like most fitness programs have you do…
Because at the end of the day…
If You’re Not Living A High Testosterone Lifestyle You’ll Struggle In EVERY Area Of Your Life...
Not just with your physique. And I don’t want that for you…
Which is why I want to give you the deal of the century and not make finances an issue at all…
That’s why you won’t have to pay $997 like my personal clients did and still do to this day…
In fact, you won’t even have to pay $500 or the $97 that I could easily charge for this program and sleep well at night. Instead...I’m going to practically give away this muscle-building manual for just $15 so I can help as many men as possible… including you.
And don’t sit on your hands because if you wait too long you could miss out on this special 80% off discount and here’s why…
I want to provide you with the absolute BEST customer service. However, when the customer service volume skyrockets and gets to be too much, I’ll be forced to raise the price back up to $97 to make sure every man using my program is being taken care of...
Otherwise I can’t make good on my promise of personal attention and delivering amazing customer support. So what are you waiting for?
Grab the Anabolic After 40 Muscle Size Manual and 4 FREE Bonuses while you still can for the 80% off discount before it’s too late…
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Receive Your Pre-Sale Price Of Just $15… PLUS All The Bonuses (Worth Over $250 For Free!)
And you know what? I’m so confident you’ll see Incredible Results that I’ll put ALL the risk on me with my 100% unconditional money back triple-guarantee.
Pack On Muscle, Get Ripped, And Feel More Confident In Weeks Or Your Money Back - Guaranteed!
The Anabolic After 40 Muscle Size Manual comes with a 100% unconditional money back triple-guarantee. You will accelerate your gains and start looking more ripped and muscular in days...
And your friends, family, even strangers of the opposite sex will admire the muscle you’ve built in such little time. While the “other guys” at the gym… even those half your age will envy your new size and strength and beg you to share your secret...
And you’ve done this naturally while skyrocketing your testosterone levels and looking and feeling like you’ve chugged some magical fountain of youth elixir. All from working out LESS in the gym. And using a few key exercise combinations that are gentle on your joints, yet unleash a flood of anabolic hormones so powerful it’ll feel like a shot of testosterone straight to your veins...
You’ll be excited with the results from week one or I will make it right - guaranteed.
Of course, don’t expect to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in one day. Not even the world’s strongest steroids could do that. However, when you use the methods in this manual combined with my powerful XRX sets you’ll be shocked when you build extreme amounts of muscle FASTER than you imagined possible... even if you’re in your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond.
Heck, you’ll feel like a hormone-raging teenager again packing on all that muscle in almost no time compared to the results most guys get from those “other” fitness programs...
And hey, if you find you’re putting on too much muscle, that’s okay. You can always “dial it back” to one day per week and maintain all the growth you’ve gained. It’s that easy.
Listen. I take your results very seriously and you have my personal promise that I will not rest until you are blown-away by your brand new body, that looks and feels like you’ve aged 5, even 10 years younger… I believe in this program and have experienced the life changing results myself...
Which why I’m going to give you my 60-Day 100% Money Back Triple Guarantee. I understand you’re a busy guy so I wanted to give you a full 60 days to get started. And at anytime, if you decide the Anabolic After 40 Muscle Size Manual hasn’t performed a miracle on your body and helped you generate brand new muscle growth and skyrocket your energy and testosterone levels - I’ll give you a full refund. Sound good?
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Receive Your Pre-Sale Price Of Just $15… PLUS All The Bonuses (Worth Over $250 For Free!)
Just imagine. After the first few days you’ll see a difference and others will too…You’ll feel like you stepped into a testosterone time machine and traveled back to your “glory days” as you witness fast and noticeable muscle gains in the mirror... while the fat around your belly, chest, and lower back begins to disappear. Plus, you’ll regain the youthful energy you once had with a vigorous sex-drive to match...
You’re so close to turning your physique around for the better and putting your frustrations in the past. So here’s the truth…
You Have 3 Options Of Where To Go From Here
Option 1: Continue doing your regular gym workouts. Hoping you’ll build some muscle, maybe lose weight (if that’s your goal) and get “in shape”. Even though deep down, you know the progress you're making is extremely slow. Plus, you can feel yourself committing testosterone suicide and zapping your strength one minute at a time.
You can keep lying to yourself, hoping one day you’ll finally have a muscular and fit body. But I’m here to tell you the effects of traditional weight lifting workouts are only leading to more frustrations and forcing your male hormones to take a massive nose-dive...
I’m not making this stuff up. It’s pure fact. Sorry, I hate to say it, but it’s true.
And if you want faster results, you’ll have to surrender to the dark-side of taking steroids or dangerous hormones just to keep up with the crushing toll your workouts are having on your body...
Which is sabotaging your muscle building potential and casting a spell on your manhood to never perform again as your male biology should. So let’s be honest with each other here...
Do you want to spend the next year, five-years, ten-years or longer suffering the side-effects of low testosterone and being reminded every time you look in the mirror or your partner calls you into the bedroom? Look...
There’s a reason most guys over 40 gain fat easily, have less muscle, and a libido that most women would laugh at...
It’s because biology is working against you. And these long, painful workouts in the gym recommended by your doctor or some young personal trainer who has NO IDEA what it’s like to be your age... is only speeding up the process. And instead of holding onto your manhood for decades to come… you’re snipping the “detonate” wire on your body and setting it off early...
I get it. Weight lifting is great for your health, especially if you’re older, but if you want to get in shape, become ripped, boost your testosterone and vascularity, you’re going to want to change things up.
And if not…
You’ll always be fighting an uphill battle. Or…
Option 2: You can take everything you’ve learned in this letter and try getting results on your own. And I hope you do. I sincerely mean that. I want to get this information out into the world so every guy who wants an attention-commanding physique can achieve his desired goal.
It’s a great feeling. Especially when you can ditch the heavy weights and long workouts...
However, let me be honest with you...
The sad truth is 9 out of 10 men who read this page will attempt to “figure it out” on their own. Only about 10% will get it right...
They are the lucky ones who will catch lightning in a bottle. While the other 90% will quit from a lack of results and continue to feel trapped in their “nothing-special”, boring physiques with bones and muscles that age faster with each passing year...
Do you want to risk your chances and be in the 90% or the 10% group? I’m sure Las Vegas casinos would take that bet any day.
The last choice you can make…
Option 3: For less than a greasy meal for two, or a pint size bottle of whey protein, you can have access to a simple, life-changing program designed to help aging men maximize your anabolic hormones while rewinding time on your body and getting an in-shape, ripped muscular physique without killing yourself in the gym.
Plus, you’ll notice a nice boost in your sex drive, testosterone levels and enjoy all day energy. Now I have to be honest. This isn’t some magic pill or potion. Sure, it works fast. And is the most effective muscle-building program you’ll get your hands on. Yet It’s going to take effort on your part just three days per week. Can you handle that? If you can...
You’ll look in the mirror weeks from now to notice the muscles in your chest, arms, and legs popping out. The fat surrounding your belly deflating and the chunkiness around your lower-back tightening-up each day...
You’ll finally have the boldness to go shirtless at pool parties, proudly displaying your athletic, and ripped frame that guys and women half your age can’t keep their eyes off.
This feeling of confidence is something you cannot put a price on. To feel like an invincible man again, full of energy, jacked and fit... To know you have a lean and muscular physique you can be proud of... and it can all begin today. Don’t settle for less any longer.
Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Receive Your Pre-Sale Price Of Just $15… PLUS All The Bonuses (Worth Over $250 For Free!)
Jonathan Lawson
P.S. If you want to achieve amazing results while your body transforms before your very eyes, click or tap here to get started. I've made this entire program easy to follow. Practically holding your hand and leading you to your best body. You can't get lost or confused. And if you do, I'm just an email away to get you back on the right path. Click the add to cart button above now and instantly be on your way to more muscle, energy, sex-drive, and confidence.
P.P.S. Don't forget, you have nothing to lose when you take action and pick up the Anabolic After 40 Muscle Size Manual. Remember, you're backed up and protected by my 60-day unconditional 100% money back triple guarantee. Go through the system for the next 60 days and just give me your best. That's all I ask.
You've Got Questions? I've Got Answers!
I’m Over 60, Will This Really Work For Me?
Yes. In fact studies from the University of Oklahoma shows older men using this style of weight training can build MORE muscle than guys half their age… Plus, according to research from Harvard University, this single method helps men ward off age-related muscle loss so you can look and feel years younger and stronger. It’s also soothing to your bones and joints. And you won’t have to worry about performing high risk exercises in the gym. In fact, you can follow these workouts from home using our bonus bodyweight guide. Anabolic After 40 is a surefire way to enhance your life now instead of sitting on the sidelines and letting ‘aging’ run its course… it’s up to you - but I hope you act fast. As the saying goes, “we’re not getting any younger” so there’s no time to waste...
I’m In My 20’s-30’s… Can I Still Follow This Program?
Absolutely! In fact, I started using the same methods in this manual to go from a frustrated 21 year old with poor genetics who couldn’t build a noticeable pound of muscle… to piling on 20 pounds of rock-hard mass in only 10 weeks. I’ll show you exactly how I did it and how you can too in the 20 lbs in 10 weeks Free Bonus I’m giving away on this page. Plus the “positions of flexion” routine that helped me pack on muscle in my 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and has me still going strong. And hey… because of your naturally elevated hormone levels, it can work even better.
What Is Positions of Flexion And XRX Sets?
The Anabolic After 40 Muscle Size Manual uses two mechanisms to help you build muscle quickly. Positions of Flexion refers to the certain positions of movement you’ll be exercising your muscles. There’s three different positions which you will focus on three days per week. Contracted, Midrange, and Stretch positions. You will use the XRX mechanism with each set for safe, fast and effective results. And you won’t just experience greater muscle growth… because you’re working out LESS… your body will recover quickly and your testosterone levels will skyrocket. You’ll see just how easy it is to follow the Positions of Flexion and XRX sets in the manual. And if you still have questions… I’m just an email away inside the private members area on the next page.
I’m a Man Over 40 And I’m Afraid I Have Symptoms Of Low Testosterone. Will This Program Help Reverse My Concerns?
Yes it will. The side effects from Anabolic After 40 will fight back against low testosterone. Including the symptoms like excess abdominal fat, low energy, high cortisol levels, and heightened levels of estrogen. Although most men’s testosterone levels decline after the age of 30, it doesn’t have to be this way. And hormone replacement therapy and purchasing a handful of expensive supplements aren’t your only options. Start with a testosterone boosting program like Anabolic After 40. I’ve also included the 24 Hour Testosterone Surge as a FREE bonus resource on this page. Which gives you a simple and convenient routine to skyrocket your testosterone levels daily using male hormone specific tricks and tactics. You’ll feel the “anabolic difference” from the very first day, guaranteed.
Who Is Anabolic After 40 NOT For?
I’d like to say this program is for everyone, but it’s not. Listen. Just because this system is simple it does not mean you can go at it half-hearted. Heck, no workout program ever works with that approach. Not even taking steroids! Bottom line - if you want results you have to work for it. If you’re not willing to follow three short workouts per week, this is not for you. And maybe you’ve struggled to follow a program in the past. Well, starting today you have a fresh start. Plus, this ‘paint by numbers’ simple plan works just as well, if not better, for beginners than it does experienced lifters.
What If I’ve Never Worked Out Before?
Great! You’ll see noticeable faster results even faster than someone who’s been lifting for years. You see, when your body is first introduced to lifting weights, your muscle growth takes off like a missile. Now, I know it can feel a little scary in the beginning. Trying something new and making a change in your life for the better is always accompanied by fear. However, I can assure you the information in the Anabolic After 40 muscle gain manual is so clear and to the point, you’ll feel safe and confident performing every workout. And as I mentioned earlier, I’m just an email away for clearing up any questions you may have. I’m not one of those guys who you buy a program from and he disappears off the map or hands your needs over to some customer support line that can’t understand your goals. Once you join the Anabolic After 40 program you’ll have instant access to me and decades of personal fitness knowledge.
How Long Before I Notice Results?
It depends how much effort you put into the program. If you follow everything exactly as I lay out, you can begin to notice improvements in your physique in less than a week along with those extra “anabolic benefits” like an increase in your sex drive and energy.
Can I Do This From Home?
Absolutely. If you have the equipment at home, you’re all set. Even if you have ZERO equipment, I’ve included the Anabolic After 40 Bodyweight Edition as a Free Bonus on this page only. You see, I want nothing stopping you from achieving the body you deserve and returning to your former glory. Not even a gym membership. So if you’re someone who doesn’t have access to a gym… or maybe you prefer bodyweight training instead of weight training… the Anabolic After 40 Bodyweight Edition will have you experiencing all of the above benefits from home.
I’m Very Overweight And Feel Stuck. Will This Still Work For Me?
Yes it will. It won’t matter your current physical shape. Anyone can use this program to lose fat and build muscle. Plus, studies show body fat, especially in the belly increases cortisol and slows your testosterone production. Which is why it’s important you get started today. Because for every pound of fat you lose you’ll boost your testosterone levels and enjoy more energy, stamina, and sex drive.
Will I Eventually Adapt To The Program?
There’s a reason I call this the “last muscle building book you’ll ever need” because I’ve followed these similar routines and continued building muscle for the past 3 decades. Sure, I’ve made some minor changes over the years for my own personal curiosity and enjoyment, however, not much.
I’m confident you can follow this program alone for several months before you consider adding in a new workout. That’s why I’ve included the X-traordinary Arms program as a Free Bonus and some additional routines in my 20 lbs in 10 weeks manual if you notice your progress beginning to stall. These workouts will surge new muscle growth and help you build jaw-dropping strength. So don’t worry about ‘adapting’ to the program. Just get started. Enjoy the results. And cross that bridge when you get there.
Who Do You Recommend Anabolic After 40 To?
With a name like “Anabolic After 40” you’d think it’s only recommended for older men. Not the case. I strongly recommend this program to guys 30+ years old or guys who are looking to build muscle and burn fat FAST without spending hours at the gym. At age 30, a biological war is waged on your natural testosterone levels. You included. Anabolic After 40 fights this natural testosterone dip, releasing strong amounts of testosterone, growth hormone, and nitric oxide for increased muscle growth, fat loss and an enlarged sex-drive.
How Long Does It Take For Me To Get The Program?
About 10 seconds to a few minutes. After you purchase, you’ll get instant access to the entire Anabolic After 40 program. You can download it to your computer and start building muscle and increasing your testosterone right away. Nothing is shipped in the mail so you don’t have to wait through any long fulfillment process for your program. Plus, doing it this way allows me to offer you the entire system at a reduced price, which are bonus points for you!
Is My Credit Card And Personal Information Safe?
Absolutely. When you click the “add to cart” button you’ll be taken to ClickBank’s 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information is electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted with over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.
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Clickbank is a global platform where digital product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s stern approval process ensures only high quality products and valid information is given to all customers.
Can I Use PayPal To Checkout?
Yes. You can securely purchase Anabolic After 40 using your PayPal account or any major debit or credit card.
Will I Be Billed More Than Once?
No. Anabolic After 40 is a one time secure payment and you’ll be an owner of the program forever.
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